Micah Prussack is a New York-based bass player & teacher.

Micah has recently appeared live with: Lady Lamb, youbet, Raavi, Dolly, Trace Mountains, Petal, Léna Bartels, Goo, and many more. If you are interested in booking a lesson, or have inquiries about performance and recording opportunities, please visit the contact page.

Through experience and collaboration with these talented musicians, songwriters and composers, Micah has cultivated a playing style both versatile and signature which is present throughout her body of work.

Micah’s continued mission is to provide a quality recording or performance that supports an artist’s sound and vision.

When not on the road, Micah teaches both children and adults:

My general goals for students are to feel comfortable and confident enough on their instrument to be able to improvise and play with others, learn things by ear and have a basic music-theory understanding of what is "happening" in a song.

I try not to be too prescriptive about the "right" way to do things, but I do share many things that I have learned over my years of playing that I have found helpful.

These days, it’s easy to look up YouTube videos or tab of music you want to learn. There is plenty of free educational content online if you are self-motivated enough to seek it out.

Technically, this is a fine way to learn how to play- and yet, new students (regardless of where they’re at) often come to me feeling stuck, uninspired, or intimidated and overwhelmed by the amount of content available.

My teaching method aims to cut through the noise and arm you with tools to help you express your distinct creative voice- because contextless memorization is not an intuitive path to fulfilling creative expression!

Overall, I think music should be a fun and social creative outlet. It's my job as a teacher to help you get to the place where the instrument helps you express yourself and connect with others rather than it inhibiting your creativity.

Ultimately, studying music is about self-expression in collaboration with others.

For more advanced students, I explore difficult techniques and particularities through examples and help re-ignite the inspiration required to love playing and practicing.